Friday, March 18, 2011

YouTube rescued us...almost

Last night we had a lecture on rice, grains and pasta....... yes it was boring.

However our instructor took pity on us and showed us a youtube video on organic farming first.
Actually he told us our lecture was going to be dull and asked if anyone knew of a food related video we could watch first.

Sooo we learned about organic farming.

Kinda cool actually.

The alternative was to watch a video about genetically modified pigs! Look out Wilbur!

I did learn not to rinse my pasta if I am going to serve it hot with any sauce. Why?.....Because it rinses off the extra starch which causes the sauce to stick to the pasta. If you rinse your pasta the sauce all slides off, and you are left with a plate full of sauce and no pasta at the end of your meal.
This also applies to pasta salads, which is why my dressings on my pasta salads all collect at the bottom of the bowl and doesn't stick to the pasta!


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