Friday, January 28, 2011

No Notes!

I forgot to mention that I had a fear of taking notes in this class. I was always bad at note taking in university. I went with my pen and paper, without a lot of optimism to the first class. I was however thrilled to find out that my dinosaurish ways of note taking are a thing of the past. Those of you familiar with today's lecturing stye are, I am sure, rolling your eyes at my ignorance of the usage power point in the classroom. All I can say is.....

Technology is great! I can download notes at my leisure from Chef ___________.

Remember this blog does refer to the author as "original retro".


whale phlegm?????

It's been a week, busy, busy reading all about Molecular Gastronomy.......that's kind of like cooking at the molecular level. I finally figured out the difference between saute and panfry . I know you are dying for me to tell you so here goes.  You jump the food in the pan when you saute with less fat at higher heat.
My first thought was " That's a good way for me to get burnt!". I don't have to do it yet, so I'll practise first, ...maybe I'll post the pictures of my burns...then again,.. that's gross,.. maybe I won't.

The weirdest spice I have heard of is ambergris. Hold your stomach for this one. It is dehydrated whale phlegm. It is comes from medieval Europe. I think I wouldn't mind if it had stayed there! I told my hubby about it last night, thinking to gross him out, I mean really shock him. No luck, apparently he was already educated in whale phlegm.

Check out my page Helpful Tips. I've learned a bunch of herb/spice combinations to cook with that sound cool. Also a way to get salt out of your dish if you have added too much!

Reading reading reading...tonight pork roast and veggies.

Ta Ta

Friday, January 21, 2011

First Class

      I had this incredible urge to giggle and clap my hands with excitement when I first arrived. It was really neat to see people walking around in chef's uniforms. However I do not need a uniform for the class, this is strangely disappointing.
     First class was great.It is all about food and ....stuff, ingredients and preparation techniques. Did you know you should peel cheery tomatoes when you put them in a salad? My prof, actually I think he in an instructor who we address as Chef _____________, is relaxed and engaging. The textbook I need for the class could double as a lethal weapon in a dark alley. It should be an interesting read even if I do need a forklift to carry it ( not to class thankfully).
    Next week the class, which is 3 hrs in length is on salt and pepper, spices and things I can't pronounce. I have to read a chapter on herbs.
    One thing I have noticed....three hours talking about food makes one HUNGRY!

Let you know about my chapter reading...maybe it will tell me why my Lovage died on the windowsill.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Grade 9 - Bare Naked Ladies - Gordon

First Class Tonight

There are days.......oh there are days.....
But then I filled my spice jars ( I love the smell) and thought about 2 blissful hours down to my class tonight.
I realize 2 hours in transit may be a nightmare to some,... but to me in means glorious isolation!

Like I said it has been a day.

I have no idea what kind of class this is, no idea at all. "They" told me not to bring a uniform, so I am not ( overly trusting?). I'll bring a notepad, pen (or should it be a pencil?)and paper. I guess the notepad counts as paper, or should I bring a binder? .......Should I bring a backpack?

I feel like a "minor niner".....

I don't have Duran Duran on my pencil case, so I will be "cool"-that's a joke ........Oh yeah, should I bring a pencil case?

At least I haven't forgotten my Snoopy lunch box!


Friday, January 14, 2011

I Found my Stomach

My stomach flu is over! A nursing friend told me that when people are sick to there stomach it is not called the flu but something else( I am not going to try to spell it). However I will call it the flu, it is simpler.

You know you are an addicted foodie when while struggling with a stomach ailment you attempt to read cook books to past the time! ......I couldn't handle it for more than 10 minutes at a time, at which point my stomach would flip over, but I have been fascinated with meat pies lately so I have been reading up on types of pastry and filling. It was kind of like self inflicted torture.
I had to send an email off concerning the uniform requirements for my Theory of Food course. They have told me to just show up on the first day and the instructor will tell us what they want.

I really hope this is not another administrative goof on their part, I have these dreadful thoughts of arriving for my first class the only one NOT in uniform....... Ok I am getting my first class jitters .

Grade 9 flash backs lol!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Ok, it is 11:00 pm but I said I will enrol today in this course, so here goes....

hold on while I open another window to the school ( my daughter taught me how to do that, very cool)

shoot, they need a student ID#,....... gotta get my purse and check my email ( another window opens, ...I am SO techy! lol)

Argggggghhh! I lost the window thingy! Too many windows, I don't even remember opening some of these!

Found it, whew, .....wait...... I have 15 min to pay or..what? It blows up? I get arrested?
pressure, pressure

Paid, I'm in, Theory of Food 1 here I come!

Computer technology is great, but harrowing

I still don't know if I passed the sanitation exam, but it turns out I don't need it for this course, remember I am learning how to cook, apparently I may also need to learn how to read better! lol

Now I have to buy a chef's uniform, ...tomorrow

Ta ta for now!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Next step?

I am going to call today to see if I passed my exam! I couldn't call over the holidays because they were closed. If I pass I am hoping to take Theory of Food 1 . This is a course based on soups and stocks and sauces and.....stuff.
I have wear a full chef's uniform to attend the course! Too funny!

I wonder if I will have to wear one of those top hat thingys?

I'll let you know if I passed!